how the hell did abc news obtain the pics, are they forgery, the met this morning have asked news organisations not to publish them. Either it's forgery or they have an enemy within . .
Seems very odd that the Met would leak to ABC in preference to a trustworthy newspaper like the Daily Mail. Anyway some of these images must be considered evidence and here they are on the front page.
and they are also trying to get more anti-terror legislations
But, the fact that it was leaked to the american press, suggests that it maybe the work of intelligence services doing CIA's war propaganda, as Bush has clearly been exploiting the tragedy.
It can't also be a single individual photographer working for the Met that sneaked a few pics out, the wide selection of pics demonstrate someone of authority.
The question is why ABC News ? isn't fox more appropriate
The only thing missing is a MAC cartoon of Tony Blair stood at a chalk board, crossing out 2,500,000 and replacing it with 2,499,999 under a banner of "how we're winning the war on immigration".
ITS NOT 16 BOMBS, but 16 COMPONENTS, bottle, wire etc
daily mail readers can sleep a bit easy now
AS FOR PICS - Met gave them to CIA, who leaked it to abc news (american broadcasting corporation) . so says Ian blair and says he's angry it was leaked, nevertheless it has worked wonderfully for Met
So Kids, heres your pictoral guide to manufacturing nail bombs. (teachers, you may want to phone in sick tommorrow)
how the hell did abc news obtain the pics, are they forgery, the met this morning have asked news organisations not to publish them. Either it's forgery or they have an enemy within . .
if only the daily mail could be blownup
Seems very odd that the Met would leak to ABC in preference to a trustworthy newspaper like the Daily Mail. Anyway some of these images must be considered evidence and here they are on the front page.
What No Suduko ?
and they are also trying to get more anti-terror legislations
But, the fact that it was leaked to the american press, suggests that it maybe the work of intelligence services doing CIA's war propaganda, as Bush has clearly been exploiting the tragedy.
It can't also be a single individual photographer working for the Met that sneaked a few pics out, the wide selection of pics demonstrate someone of authority.
The question is why ABC News ? isn't fox more appropriate
Presumably the photos came via the FBI, who are apparently (and not covertly) involved in the investigation...
For more fantastic xenophobia see the front page of today's Sun.
The only thing missing is a MAC cartoon of Tony Blair stood at a chalk board, crossing out 2,500,000 and replacing it with 2,499,999 under a banner of "how we're winning the war on immigration".
But where's the Sudoku?!
ITS NOT 16 BOMBS, but 16 COMPONENTS, bottle, wire etc
daily mail readers can sleep a bit easy now
AS FOR PICS - Met gave them to CIA, who leaked it to abc news (american broadcasting corporation) . so says Ian blair and says he's angry it was leaked, nevertheless it has worked wonderfully for Met
Notice the absence from this nailbomb photo of the small retaining paperclip that is clearly visible in the nailbomb photo from the previous day.
What is it anyone is watching?
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